I’m Linda Ferguson, and I help people feel better. I am a healer and a teacher, specialising in Self-Empowerment.
I teach reiki, meditation, mindset and ancient wisdom … all the hidden things that were originally taught only to Monks, Priests and a select few. The things that you were never taught at school, yet are the things that you really need to know to to live a happy and purposeful life. This knowledge was shared to me from a Grand Master from the Tibetan Mystery School, whom I have been studying with, and continue to study with, for over 25 years (and on going).
Working with me, I guide you to wholeness. As you harness the power of your mind and access the power within, you will consciously manifest the life you want rather than living unconsciously the life that you DON’T want. I am ready to watch you become the you, who you were born to be, creating every day miracles.

We all want to be happy and have freedom from pain,
physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Happiness and good health is our natural state of being.
Unhappiness and dis-ease are only symptoms.
Warning signs, that you are off track.
Your symptom has led you here.
You have been divinely guided.
Here you will find products, teachings and guidance
to bring back the quality of your life.
There is a higher consciousness,
a greater power that is within you,
around you and in all living things.
We are all born with this greater power within us.
My Story
As a talent agent working in the film & television industry for 21 years, I had a goal of “making it big” in Hollywood. I believed that I had to work hard to achieve this, so I worked my butt off and I wasn’t a very good boss to myself.
While suffering burn out, I was invited to attend a spiritual gathering in the forest, which was so left of centre for me – but I had this deep feeling that I knew that I just had to be there. Driving to the event, I was on my mobile the whole way, busy negotiating a contract and speaking to a lawyer, that is until I was out of radio range.
Arriving at the gathering in the forest, around the sacred fire with shamans, tribal elders, medicine men and spiritual healers from all around the world, who would’ve known that my life would change and never be the same again.
After getting back home, I cried for three weeks. That moment around the fire something had touched my soul and my healing journey had begun. I discovered that I had forgotten who I was. I had ignored my spirit and the greater power that was within me and in all living things. I had been so busy looking outside of me, when the answer had always been within. With healing and teachings, I have overcome the symptoms of rape, drug addiction, depression, fatigue, exhaustion, stress and anxiety. I am now in my natural happy state of being.
There is no magic wand, but life is magical and you were born perfect, whole and complete. It’s just that some shit got in the way. If you are willing to put in the effort I will be honoured to guide you back to the joy of wholeness.