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Daily Ritual (Date TBA)


I am sure you have heard the saying “We are spiritual beings living in a physical body” and we have all learnt daily rituals that care for our physical body (sleep, clean teeth, shower, eat well, yoga, gym, sport, etc) and for our mental body (read, study, talk, games, movies etc). But what do we do for our spiritual body ? “What about me ?” I hear your soul call out. By caring for all of our bodies we become whole.

“Daily Ritual” book ends your day perfectly and nourishes your soul. The morning ritual starts your day, setting you up for success, with intention and centeredness. The evening ritual ends your day, packing down your days events, preparing you for rest.

It only takes 28 days to form a new habit but it can be hard to get the motivation to start a new habit on your own (or change an old habit) and especially if you don’t know what to do. So log in and together we will greet the new day, and end the day, with various spiritual practices which I will guide you through, including meditation, gratitude and affirmations.

The outcomes are self-empowering. By remembering all of your ‘bodies’ you feel whole and complete. As you grow in self-care you develop a strong sense of self, becoming more fully grounded in who you are meant to be. When you stand firmly in your own power real magic begins.

Let me make it easier for you and join me morning and night for support and guidance to establish new empowering ways to be.

Mornings @6.30am & Evenings @9.30pm AEST – $450
Mornings only @6.30am AEST – $280
Evenings only @9.30pm AEST – $280
